HomeMy WebLinkAboutMitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.pdf Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program for the CITY OF DIAMOND BAR GENERAL PLAN 2040 AND CLIMATE ACTION PLAN 2040 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SCH No. 2018051066 City of Diamond Bar November 2019 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 2 This page intentionally left blank. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 1 1 Purpose State of California Public Resources Code Section 21081.6(a)(1) requires a lead or responsible agency that approves or carries out a project where an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has identified significant environmental effects to adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The City of Diamond Bar (the "City") is the lead agency for the EIR prepared for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 (SCH No. 2018051066 Project and therefore is responsible for the adoption and implementation of the required mitigation monitoring and reporting program. An EIR has been prepared for the Proposed Project that addresses potential environmental impacts and, where appropriate, recommends measures to mitigate these impacts. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) has been prepared in conformance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.6(a)(1). It is the intent of this program to: 1. Verify satisfaction of the required mitigation measures of the EIR; 2. Provide a methodology to document implementation of the required mitigation; 3. Provide a record of the monitoring program; 4. Identify monitoring responsibility; 5. Establish administrative procedures for the clearance of mitigation measures; 6. Establish the frequency and duration of monitoring; and 7. Utilize existing review processes wherever feasible. The MMRP describes the procedures that will be used to implement the mitigation measures adopted in connection with the approval of the Proposed Project and the methods of monitoring such actions. A monitoring program is necessary only for impacts which would be significant if not mitigated. If, during the course of project implementation, any of the mitigation measures identified cannot be successfully implemented, the City shall immediately inform any affected responsible agencies. The City, in conjunction with any affected responsible agencies, will then determine if modification to the project is required, and/or whether alternative mitigation is appropriate. The following consists of a monitoring program table noting the responsible entity for mitigation monitoring, the timing, and a list of all project-related mitigation measures. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 2 This page intentionally left blank. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 3 2 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Air Quality Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project would create new sources of VOC and NOx emissions that exceeds SCAQMD project-level thresholds and contribute to the nonattainment designation of the South Coast Air Basin for O3. MM-AQ-1 Construction Features. Future development projects implemented under the General Plan will be required to demonstrate consistency with SCAQMD construction emission thresholds. Where emissions from individual projects exceed SCAQMD thresholds, the following measures shall be incorporated as necessary to minimize impacts. These measures do not exclude the use of other, equally effective mitigation measures. • Require all off-road diesel equipment greater than 50 horsepower (hp) used for this Project to meet current USEPA standards, which are currently Tier 4 final off-road emission standards or equivalent. Such equipment shall be outfitted with Best Available Control Technology (BACT) devices including a California Air Resources Include in project conditions of approval. Prior to issuance of construction permit. City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 4 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Board certified Level 3 Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) or equivalent. This DPF will reduce diesel particulate matter and NOX emissions during construction activities. • Require a minimum of 50 percent of construction debris be diverted for recycling. • Require building materials to contain a minimum 10 percent recycled content. • Require materials such as paints, primers, sealants, coatings, and glues to have a low volatile organic compound concentration compared to conventional products. If low VOC materials are not available, architectural coating phasing should be extended sufficiently to reduce the daily emissions of VOCs. Operational sources under the Proposed Project would generate emissions of VOC, NOx, CO, PM10, and PM2.5 that exceeds SCAQMD project-level thresholds and contribute to the nonattainment designation of the SCAB for O3, PM2.5, and PM10. MM-AQ-2: Future development. Under the Proposed Project, future development would be required to demonstrate consistency with projects where operational emissions exceed regulatory thresholds the following measures may be used to reduce impacts. Note the following measures are not all inclusive and developers have the option to add or substitute measures that are equally or Include in project conditions of approval. Prior to discretionary project approval. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 5 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial more appropriate for the scope of their project. • Develop a project specific TDM program for residents and/or employees that provides opportunities for carpool/vanpools. • Provide onsite solar/renewable energy in excess of regulatory requirements. • Require that owners/tenants of non- residential or multi-family residential developments use architectural coatings that are 10 grams per liter or less when repainting/repairing properties. • Require dripless irrigation and irrigation sensor units that prevent watering during rain storms. • Ensure all parking areas are wired capability of future EV charging and include EV charging stations that exceed regulatory requirements. Biological Resources Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could have an adverse effect on special-status plant species. MM-BIO-1A Preconstruction Surveys for Special-Status Plants: To mitigate impacts on special status plant species, the applicant shall implement the following measures: • Prior to initiating disturbance activities, clearance surveys for special-status plant species shall be performed by a qualified biologist(s) Submittal of preconstruction surveys. Prior to issuance of construction permit. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 6 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial within the boundaries of the future project disturbances. If any special- status plants are found on the Planning Area, a qualified biologist(s) with a CDFG Scientific Collection Permit shall prepare a plan to relocate these species to suitable habitats within surrounding public open space areas that would remain undisturbed. For those species that cannot be physically transplanted, the biologist(s) shall collect seeds from the plants. (Note: Lilies generally can be transplanted in bulb-form.) • To the extent feasible the preconstruction surveys shall be completed when species are in bloom, typically between May and June and reference populations checked. Two species, the white rabbit-tobacco and San Bernardino aster, are perennial herbs that grow up to three feet in height and can be identified by their dried stalks and leaves following their blooming period. Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could have an adverse effect on special-status plant species. MM-BIO-1B Special-Status Plant Planting Plan: Prior to any ground disturbance for projects that have the potential to cause direct or indirect impacts on special-status plants, the project applicants shall prepare a Special Status Plant Planting Plan for the species Submittal of Special Status Plant Planting Plan and appropriate documentation. Prior to start of ground disturbance activities. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 7 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial to be transplanted. At a minimum, the plan shall include a description of the existing conditions of the project and receiver site(s), transplanting and/or seed collection/off-site seeding or installation methods, an adaptive two- year monitoring program, any other necessary monitoring procedures, plant spacing, and maintenance requirements. In the event that the City of Diamond Bar determines that agreed success criteria are not met, additional remediation may be required beyond the two-year maintenance/monitoring period to ensure mitigation requirements are met. The City shall also require proof that the plan preparer consulted with US Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel or appropriate herbarium botanists in order to maximize transplanting success. (Note: Appropriate botanists include those at CDFW in Ontario, the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens in Claremont, UC Riverside, or Cal Poly Pomona.) Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could have an adverse effect on special-status plant species. MM-BIO-1C Listed Endangered and Threatened Plants: In addition to MM BIO-1A and -1B, the City shall require the project applicant to provide proof of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife permitting the take of Submittal of USFWS and CDFW permits and documentation. Prior to issuance of construction permit. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 8 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial listed endangered and threatened plants. The FESA does not address listed plants on private property. However, if a federal action is required for a project (funding, Clean Water Act compliance, etc.), a permit from the USFWS and CDFW to take a listed species is required. Implementation of the Proposed Project could result in indirect impacts on special-status plant species, sensitive natural communities, preserved open space, and wildlife corridors. MM-BIO-1D Environmental Awareness Program: In order to reduce indirect impacts on special-status plants, sensitive natural communities, preserved open space and wildlife corridors, the City shall implement the following measures: • The City shall implement an Environmental Awareness Program on its web site intended to increase awareness to developers, residents and city workers of the sensitive plants, wildlife and associated habitats that occur in the preserved open space areas. The intention of the program shall be to inform developers, city workers, and residents and encourage active conservation efforts to help conserve the habitats in the preserved open space. The program shall address impacts associated with the introduction of invasive plant species as a result of new development. At a minimum, the Implementation of Environmental Awareness Program. Ongoing. City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 9 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Environmental Awareness Program shall include the following components: o Informational kiosks shall be added or modified at entrance points to hiking and equestrian trails to inform city workers, residents and trail users on the sensitive flora and fauna that rely on the habitats found within the preserved open space. The intent of these kiosks is to bring awareness to the sensitive plants, wildlife and associated habitats which occur in the area. o The City shall provide future project applicants a brochure which includes a list of sensitive plant and tree species to avoid impacting as well as suggested plant palettes to be used in residential landscaping near natural areas to prevent the introduction of invasive plant species to the surrounding natural communities. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 10 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could have an adverse effect on special-status animal species. MM-BIO-1E Preconstruction Surveys for Special-Status Wildlife: Within one (1) week prior to initiating disturbance activities, clearance surveys for special-status animal species shall be performed by a qualified biologist(s) within the boundaries of the future project disturbances. If any special- status animals are found on the site, a qualified biologist(s) flag the area for avoidance and discuss possible seasonal avoidance measures with the developer. If avoidance is not feasible, the Project Biologist, with a CDFG Scientific Collection Permit shall relocate these species to suitable habitats within surrounding open space areas that would remain undisturbed, unless the biologist determines that such relocation cannot reasonably be accomplished at which point CDFG will be consulted regarding whether relocation efforts should be terminated. Relocation methods (e.g., trap and release) and receiver sites shall be verified and approved by the CDFG prior to relocating any animals. Submittal of preconstruction surveys. Prior to issuance of construction permit. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Implementation of the Proposed Project could cause direct or indirect impacts on suitable habitat for federally or MM-BIO-IF Listed Endangered or Threatened Wildlife: Prior to approval of individual projects that have the potential to cause direct or indirect impacts on suitable habitat for federally or state listed endangered or Submittal of findings and documentation. Prior to discretionary project approval. City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 11 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial state listed endangered or threatened species. threatened species, the City shall require a habitat evaluation to be completed by a qualified biologist well versed in the requirements of the associated species to be completed. If no suitable habitat for listed species is identified within 300 feet of construction or maintenance activities, no further measures would be required in association with the project. If suitable habitat for the species is identified within 300 feet of such activities, prior to construction, the City shall require that a survey be completed by a qualified biologist for the species in accordance with protocols established by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Table 3.3-5 provides a listing of endangered and threatened species by habitat type and potential for occurrence. In the event a state or federal listed species is determined to occupy the proposed Planning Area or its immediate surroundings, the CDFW and/or USFWS shall be consulted, as required by CESA and/or FESA. In order to address and acknowledge the potential for listed species to occur within the Planning Area or be impacted by future development projects, this assessment acknowledges future actions by state and federal resource agencies in Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 12 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial addition to the analyses necessary and required under CEQA. Compensation is likely to include one or more of the following on- or off-site measures: dedication/preservation of suitable habitat for the species; habitat enhancement/creation; and provisions for long-term habitat management. Clearing and grading activities associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could disturb nesting bird habitats. MM-BIO-1G Nesting Bird Surveys: All vegetation clearing for construction and fuel modification shall occur outside of the breeding bird season, if feasible, to ensure that no active nests would be disturbed unless clearing and/or grading activities cannot be avoided during that time period. If clearing and/or grading activities cannot be avoided during the breeding season, all suitable habitats shall be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nesting birds by a qualified biologist prior to removal. Suitable nesting habitat on the Planning Area includes grassland, scrub, chaparral, and woodland communities. If any active nests are detected, the area shall be flagged, along with a 300-foot buffer for song birds and a 500-foot buffer for raptorial birds (or as otherwise appropriate buffer as determined by the surveying biologist), and shall be avoided until the nesting cycle is complete or it Submittal of findings and documentation. Prior to start of clearing and/or grading activities. City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 13 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial is determined by the surveying biologist that the nest is no longer active. Implementation of the Proposed Project could disturb active golden eagle nests. MM-BIO-1H Protection of Eagle Nests: No development or project activities shall be permitted within one- half mile of a determined active golden eagle nest unless the planned activities are sited in such a way that the activity has minimal potential to cause abandonment of the nesting site, as determined by a qualified biologist. In addition, the eagle nest (if active) shall be monitored by a biologist who is highly familiar with the signs of eagle distress during the project development activities. The monitoring shall continue until the monitoring biologist is confident the nest will not be disturbed. The monitoring biologist shall have the authority to stop project activities as needed. (Note: Generally, information regarding the location of raptorial bird nests is kept highly confidential. As such it is recommended that representatives of CDFW, USFWS and/or the Chino Hills State Park be notified of any proposed projects in the SOI or Tres Hermanos portions of the Planning Area. In consultation with agency representatives, it can be determined if the project is within one-half mile of the Submittal of findings and documentation. Ongoing. City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 14 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial eagle nest without the location being specifically identified.) Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could disturb bat roosting habitat. MM-BIO-1I Use of Buffers Near Active Bat Roosts: During the November 1 to March 31 hibernation season, construction activities shall not be conducted within 100 feet of woodland habitat that provides suitable bat roosting habitat. Bat presence is difficult to detect using emergence surveys during this period due to decreased flight and foraging behavior. If a qualified biologist who is highly familiar with bat biology determines that woodland areas do not provide suitable hibernating conditions for bats and they are unlikely to be present in the area, work may commence as planned. Submittal of findings and documentation. During the November 1 through March 31 hibernation season and shortly thereafter. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could disrupt bat roosting habitat. MM BIO-1J Bat Maternity Roosting Season: Night-time evening emergence surveys and/or internal searches within large tree cavities shall be conducted by a qualified biologist who is highly familiar with bat biology during the maternity season (April 1 to August 31) to determine presence/absence of bat maternity roosts near wooded project boundaries. All active roosts identified during surveys shall be protected by a buffer to be determined by a qualified bat biologist. The buffer will be determined by the type of bat observed, Submittal of findings and documentation. During the April 1 through August 31 maternity season. Surveys valid 30 days from survey date. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 15 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial topography, slope, aspect, surrounding vegetation, sensitivity of roost, type of potential disturbance, etc. Each exclusion zone would remain in place until the end of the maternity roosting season. If no active roosts are identified, then work may commence as planned. Survey results are valid for 30 days from the survey date. Should work commence later than 30 days from the survey date, surveys should be repeated. Construction associated with implementation of the Proposed Project could disrupt bat roosting habitat. MM BIO-1K Bat Roost Replacement: All special-status bat roosts that are destroyed by the project must be documented and shall be replaced at a 1:1 ratio on- or off-site with a roost suitable for the displaced species (e.g., bat houses for colonial roosters). The design of such replacement habitat shall be coordinated with CDFG. The new roost shall be in place prior to the time that the bats are expected to use the roost as determined by a qualified biologist who is highly familiar with bat biology, and shall be monitored periodically for five (5) years to ensure proper roosting habitat characteristics (e.g., suitable temperature and no leaks). The roost shall be modified as necessary to provide a suitable roosting environment for the target bat species. Submittal of documentation. Prior to the time the bats are expected to use the roost as determined by a qualified biologist. Monitoring shall occur periodically over 5 years thereafter. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 16 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Implementation of the Proposed Project could result in adverse impacts to sensitive shrubland and scrub natural communities. MM BIO-2 Sensitive Natural Communities: To mitigate impacts on sensitive shrubland and scrub natural communities, project applicants shall implement the following mitigation measures prior to any ground disturbance: • If avoidance cannot be reasonably accomplished, impacts on any shrubland, scrub or woodland alliance indicated as sensitive in Table 3.3-2 shall be mitigated through on- or off‐site restoration/enhancement. For off-site restoration/enhancement, the applicant shall acquire mitigation land of similar habitat at a ratio of at least 1:1. On-site restoration/enhancement shall also be completed at a ratio of at least 1:1. • For projects that have the potential to result in direct or indirect impacts on sensitive natural communities, a habitat restoration plan shall be prepared prior to any ground disturbance. The Plan shall include adaptive management practices as specified by the Department of the Interior to achieve the specified ratio for restoration/enhancement. At a minimum, the Plan shall include a description of the existing conditions Submittal of documentation. Prior to start of ground disturbance. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 17 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial of the receiver site(s), goals and timeline, installation methods, monitoring procedures, plant spacing, adaptive management strategies, and maintenance requirements to ensure the sensitive communities referred to above re- established successfully at the ratios set forth above. Implementation of the Proposed Project could result in adverse impacts on jurisdictional waters. MM BIO-3 Jurisdictional Waters: To mitigate for impacts on jurisdictional waters, the applicant shall implement the following measures in consultation with the regulating agencies (USACE, CDFW, and RWQCB, where applicable) over the course of the project: • The applicant shall provide on - and off-site replacement and/or restoration/enhancement of USACE, RWQCB and CDFG jurisdictional waters and wetlands at a ratio no less than 1.5:1 and/or include the purchase of mitigation credits at an agency‐approved off‐site mitigation bank. • If replacement and/or restoration/enhancement would occur, a restoration plan shall be prepared that describes the location of restoration and provides for replanting and monitoring for a Submittal of documentation. Ongoing. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 18 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial three-year period following construction. Implementation of the Proposed Project could result in a loss of oak woodland. MM-BIO-4 Oak Woodlands: In the event a future project would result in the loss of an oak woodland, the project shall be subject to the mitigation requirements set forth in the Los Angeles County Oak Woodland Conservation Management Plan Guide. If a future project cannot be redesigned to avoid impacts on oak woodland, then one of the following measures shall be implemented: • Acquire oak woodland habitat that is comparable to the habitat that was impacted at a ratio of 1:1. • Restore degraded oak woodlands o Off-site restoration should be prioritized over on-site restoration and where feasible, should be located nearby the impacted property, preferably within the same watershed or sub- drainage as deemed appropriate by a qualified biologist, or within the same planning area as the impacted property. Off-site restoration may include any of the following: acquiring off-site fee title for oak woodland habitat; Submittal of final report. Ongoing. Mitigation areas shall be placed in a conservation easement within 6 months of a completion. Project mitigation shall be monitored and reported on over a 7- year period. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 19 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial replacement planting; and/or restoring moderately or severely degraded oak woodlands (more specifically, removing exotics and restoring appropriate native plant diversity). o On-site restoration of a ratio of at least 1:1 should be utilized when circumstances at the site allow for long-term sustainability of the replacement plantings, the potential to expand/connect to adjacent oak woodlands, and/or the improvement of degraded oak woodlands. If possible, on-site restoration areas should be located adjacent to preserved natural space. The project applicant shall replace/restore lost canopy area. More specifically, the project applicant shall provide mitigation trees of the same Oak species. All replacement trees should be planted on native undisturbed soil and should be the same species of oak (Quercus sp.) as the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 20 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial removed tree with appropriate associated native vegetation in the understory. The location of the replacement tree should be in the vicinity of other oak trees of the same species. If replacement trees cannot be planted on native undisturbed soil or are not in the vicinity of the same species of oak (Quercus sp.) as the removed tree, the city may require implementation of additional measures as listed in MM- BIO-4 to ensure that trees thrive. Mitigation areas or land should be at a minimum of two (2) to one (1) canopy cover area for the amount removed. This is the expected canopy extent of mature trees. All mitigation areas or land should be placed in a conservation easement within six months of a easement is not possible, the land shall be protected in perpetuity by other means deemed acceptable by the City. Mitigation land may be designated public open space by the City if deemed appropriate per the description of Open Space found in Chapter 2: Land Use of the proposed General Plan. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 21 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Project mitigation shall be monitored and reported on over a seven-year period and shall incorporate an iterative process of annual monitoring and evaluation of progress and allow for adjustments to the program, as necessary, to achieve desired outcomes and meet success criteria. Annual reports discussing the implementation, monitoring, and management of the mitigation project shall be submitted to the City and should contain the following components: description of the project impact and mitigation site; specific objectives/success criteria, evaluated based on approved survival rates and percent cover of planted native species; control of invasive plant and animal species within the mitigation site; monitoring and maintenance activities conducted since the previous report; and any contingency measures implemented since the previous report. Success criteria should be based on a reference site supporting the desired oak species and understory that the mitigation site is designed to achieve. Once the mitigation project has been completed, the applicant shall submit a final report to the City. The report shall discuss the implementation, monitoring and management of the mitigation Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 22 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial project over the seven-year period, and indicates whether the mitigation project has, in part, or in whole, been successful based on established success criteria. The project shall be extended if success criteria have not been met at the end of the seven-year period to the satisfaction of the City. Implementation of the Proposed Project could result in a loss of oak woodland. MM-BIO-5 Walnut Woodlands: In the event a future project would result in the loss of a walnut woodland, then one of the following measures shall be implemented: • Acquire walnut woodland habitat that is comparable to the habitat that was impacted at a ratio of 1:1. • Restore degraded walnut woodlands o Off-site restoration should be prioritized over on-site restoration and where feasible, should be located nearby the impacted property, preferably within the same watershed or sub- drainage as deemed appropriate by a qualified biologist, or within the same planning area as the impacted property. Off-site restoration may include any of the following: acquiring off-site fee title for walnut woodland habitat; Submittal of final report. Ongoing. Mitigation areas shall be placed in a conservation easement within 6 months of a completion. Project mitigation shall be monitored and reported on over a 7- year period. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 23 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial replacement planting; and/or restoring moderately or severely degraded walnut woodlands (more specifically, removing exotics and restoring appropriate native plant diversity). o On-site restoration of a ratio of at least 1:1 should be utilized when circumstances at the site allow for long-term sustainability of the replacement plantings, the potential to expand/connect to adjacent walnut woodlands, and/or the improvement of degraded walnut woodlands. If possible, on-site restoration areas should be located adjacent to preserved natural space. The project applicant shall replace/restore lost canopy area. More specifically, the project applicant shall provide mitigation trees of the same species comprising the walnut woodland, including the constituent or co-dominant oak species. All replacement trees Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 24 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial should be planted on native undisturbed soil and should be the same species of walnut (Juglans sp.) and oak (Quercus sp.) as the removed tree with appropriate associated native vegetation in the understory. The location of the replacement tree should be in the vicinity of other trees of the same species. If replacement trees cannot be planted on native undisturbed soil or are not in the vicinity of the same species as the removed tree, the city may require implementation of additional measures as listed in MM- BIO-5 to ensure that trees thrive. Mitigation areas or land should be at a minimum of two (2) to one (1) canopy cover area for the amount removed. This is the expected canopy extent of mature trees. All mitigation areas or land should be placed in a conservation easement within six months of a easement is not possible, the land shall be protected in perpetuity by other means deemed acceptable by the City. Mitigation land may be designated public Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 25 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial open space by the City if deemed appropriate per the description of Open Space found in Chapter 2: Land Use of the proposed General Plan. Project mitigation shall be monitored and reported on over a seven-year period and shall incorporate an iterative process of annual monitoring and evaluation of progress and allow for adjustments to the program, as necessary, to achieve desired outcomes and meet success criteria. Annual reports discussing the implementation, monitoring, and management of the mitigation project shall be submitted to the City and should contain the following components: description of the project impact and mitigation site; specific objectives/success criteria, evaluated based on approved survival rates and percent cover of planted native species; control of invasive plant and animal species within the mitigation site; monitoring and maintenance activities conducted since the previous report; and any contingency measures implemented since the previous report. Success criteria should be based on a reference site supporting the desired walnut woodland species and understory that the mitigation site is designed to achieve. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 26 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Once the mitigation project has been completed, the applicant shall submit a final report to the City. The report shall discuss the implementation, monitoring and management of the mitigation project over the seven-year period, and indicates whether the mitigation project has, in part, or in whole, been successful based on established success criteria. The project shall be extended if success criteria have not been met at the end of the seven-year period to the satisfaction of the City. Implementation of the Proposed Project could diminish the integrity of the Tonner Canyon movement corridor. MM-BIO-6 Wildlife Movement Corridor: In order to ensure the existing integrity of the Tonner Canyon movement corridor, the following land use design criteria shall be adhered to when reviewing future projects: Corridor Features • The corridor should be as wide as possible. The corridor width may vary with habitat type or target species, but a rule of thumb is about a minimum of 1,000 feet wide (but larger if possible). • Maintain as much natural open space as possible next to any culverts and road undercrossings to encourage the use of these by wildlife. Include in project conditions of approval. Prior to discretionary project approval. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 27 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial • Maximize land uses adjacent to the corridor that reduce human impacts on the corridor. • Avoid development or other impacts to project into the corridor to form impediments to movement and increase harmful edge effects. • If development is to be permitted next to the corridor, put conservation easements on adjacent lots to prohibit structures nearest the corridor. • Develop strict maximum brightness restrictions for development adjacent to the corridor to prevent light trespass into the corridor. Lights must be directed downward and inward toward the development. Culvert Design • Bridged undercrossings are preferable. • If a bridge is not possible, use a 12- foot by 12-foot box culvert or bigger for larger animals. • Install a small, one-foot diameter tube parallel to the large box culvert for small animals. The upstream end of the small tube should be a few inches higher than the bottom of the upstream end of the box culvert, so that it will stay dry and free of debris. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 28 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial • The culvert bottoms should be as close as possible to any canyon bottom and not be perched up a fill slope. • Use natural substrate on the bottom of the culvert, such as dirt with pebbles. • On roads above the undercrossings and culverts, install speed bumps and wildlife crossing signs to slow the cars, and avoid street lighting to facilitate use of the crossing. • Plant and maintain vegetative cover (shrubs and low cover) near the entrance-exits of the culverts, without visually or physically blocking the entries. • Install appropriate fencing (at least six feet in height) to funnel animals towards the undercrossings and culverts. Vegetation Restoration • Require maintenance or restoration of native vegetation, and long-term management. • Develop an adequate endowment program for restoration and management of the corridor. • Plant native trees, shrubs, and other plants to provide food and cover, as well as nesting opportunities for birds. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 29 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial Management and Enforcement • If housing is to be permitted adjacent to the corridor, require the homeowners associations or each homeowner to maintain -- on their own property -- a mowed, 30-foot to 60-foot buffer along a flat or slightly sloped grade between the native vegetation in the corridor and each adjacent lot, for fire abatement. • Avoid fencing in the corridor that would bottleneck the corridor. • Unleashed domestic pets should not be allowed in the corridor. • Educate each landowner adjacent to the corridor about the regulations (lighting, mowing the buffer, no trespass, do not place pet food outside, etc.) and develop a pamphlet and convene a community meeting. In appropriate locations, install educational signs about the corridor and the species that could potentially use the corridor. Cultural, Historic, and Tribal Cultural Resources Implementation of the Proposed Project could cause adverse impacts on historical resources. MM-CULT-1 Prior to development of any project on a parcel containing at least one structure more than 45 years old and until such time a Citywide historic resource survey is completed, the project proponent shall retain a qualified architectural historian, defined Submittal of findings and documentation. Prior to discretionary project approval. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 30 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial as meeting the Secretary of the Standards for architectural history, to conduct a preliminary assessment. If the property appears to be potentially eligible for a local, state and/or federal listing, a full historic resources assessment shall be required. A full historic resources assessment shall include: a records search at the South Central Coastal Information Center; a review of pertinent archives, databases, and sources; a pedestrian field survey; recordation of all identified historic resources on California Department of Parks and Recreation 523 forms; and preparation of a technical report documenting the methods and results of the assessment. All identified historic resources will be assessed for the tential to result in direct and/or indirect effects on those resources and any historic resource that may be affected shall be evaluated for its potential significance under national and approval of project plans and publication of subsequent CEQA documents. The qualified architectural historian shall provide recommendations regarding additional work, treatment, or mitigation for affected historical resources to be implemented prior to their demolition or alteration. Impacts Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 31 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial on historical resources shall be analyzed using CEQA thresholds to determine if a project would result in a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. If a potentially significant impact would occur, the City shall require appropriate mitigation to lessen the impact to the degree feasible. This mitigation measure shall not apply to minor projects that would otherwise qualify for an exemption under CEQA, such as, but not limited to, room additions, reroofs, and the removal of minor accessory structures and landscaping projects. Implementation of the Proposed Project could cause adverse impacts on archaeological resources. MM-CULT-2 Prior to development of a project that involves ground disturbance, the project proponent shall retain a qualified archaeologist, defined as meeting the Secretary of the nal Qualification Standards for archaeology, to conduct an archaeological resources assessment including: a records search at the South Central Coastal Information Center; a Sacred Lands File search at the Native American Heritage Commission; a pedestrian field survey; recordation of all identified archaeological resources on California Department of Parks and Recreation 523 forms; an assessment of sensitivity and the potential to encounter subsurface archaeological Submittal of archaeological resources assessment. Prior to discretionary project approval. Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 32 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial resources and human remains; subsurface investigation to define the horizontal and vertical extents of any identified archaeological resources; and preparation of a technical report documenting the methods and results of the study. All identified archaeological resources shall be assessed for the and/or indirect effects on those resources and any archaeological resource that cannot be avoided shall be evaluated for its potential significance roject plans and publication of subsequent CEQA documents. The qualified archaeologist shall provide recommendations regarding protection of avoided resources and/or recommendations for additional work, treatment, or mitigation of significant resources that will be affected by the project. This mitigation measure shall not apply to minor projects that would otherwise qualify for an exemption under CEQA, such as, but not limited to, the construction of a single-family residences, excavations for swimming pools, and landscaping projects. Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Implementation of the Proposed Project could cause adverse impacts MM-GEO-1 Prior to development of projects that involve ground disturbance or excavations in Submittal of technical report. Prior to discretionary Construction contractor; City of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 33 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial on paleontological resources. undisturbed native soils, the project proponent shall retain a paleontologist meeting the Society of Vertebrate professional paleontologist (SVP, 2010) to conduct an paleontological resources assessment including: a site-specific database search at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and/or other appropriate facilities (such as the University of California Museum of Paleontology); geologic map and scientific literature review; a pedestrian field survey, where deemed appropriate by the qualified professional paleontologist; assessment of the and paleontological monitoring requirements (locations, depths, duration, timing); and preparation of a technical report that documents the methods and results of the study. The report shall be prepared prior to the project plans and publication of subsequent CEQA documents. project approval. Diamond Bar Community Development Department Implementation of the Proposed Project could cause adverse impacts on paleontological resources. MM-GEO-2 The City shall require paleontological resources monitoring for any project that has a high potential for encountering subsurface paleontological resources. The location, depths, duration, and timing of monitoring shall be determined by the qualified professional paleontologist Submittal of findings and documentation, followed by monitoring report. Prior to discretionary project approval. Monitoring report shall Construction contractor; City of Diamond Bar Community Development Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the City of Diamond Bar General Plan 2040 and Climate Action Plan 2040 34 Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsibility for Verification Verification Complete Date Initial based on the sensitivity assessment in the study required as part of MM-GEO- 1. Prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project proponent shall retain a qualified monitor meeting the standards for paleontological resource monitors (SVP, 2010), and who shall work under the direct supervision of the qualified professional paleontologist. In the event that paleontological resources are unearthed during ground- disturbing activities, the monitor shall be empowered to halt or redirect ground- disturbing activities away from the vicinity of the discovery until the qualified professional paleontologist has determined its significance and provided recommendations for preservation in place or recovery of the resource. The monitor shall keep daily logs detailing the types of activities and soils observed, and any discoveries. After cessation of ground disturbance, the qualified professional paleontologist shall prepare a report that details the results of monitoring. be prepared after cessation of ground disturbance.