HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE_ EXTERNAL_ FW_ Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements ProjectCAUTION: This message originated outside of our City of Diamond Bar network. **Please exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.** Ryans, I just got an update on the permanent impacts earlier today from Endemic. Based on their calculations, * Of 0.009 acre of California sagebrush – black sage scrub that was calculated for impacts, the project has permanently removed 0.0049 acre. * Of 0.128 acre of disturbed California sagebrush – black sage scrub that was calculated for impacts, the project has permanently removed 0.0572 acre. * Of 0.050 acre of coast prickly pear scrub that was calculated for impacts, the project has permanently removed 0.0159 acre. That should cover anything that is needed for the HMMP, but let me know if there’s anything else you need. Thanks! Ryan Winkleman | Project Manager/Senior Biologist/Certified Senior Ecologist 5 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 500 | Santa Ana, CA 92707 | [O] 949-330-4115 | [M] (949) 533-0918 ryan.winkleman@mbakerintl.com | www.mbakerintl.com <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mbakerintl.com%2f&c=E,1,4LmHGhYIaTOVCNzIVHPOYImVFYFnw76pGNfNatHWLj8PG8B5taKEzfNRJvkrt44jxlL DrANroq-M91vEegFpoxi3nWIogtK08Qgz-9X5GNwfMy5uc4I,&typo=1> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fmbakerintl.com%2fmedia%2f5024%2fs21_f_061907_icons.jpg&c=E,1,tZoc0OG-UVRo4VLQe92p5B8 AlPQrRbs4YtHmMtwMSCmQy6kDj2kNNuNikFy5XihTnA6uueHYQA3lp6CoFOo01JpUx9QOS7rYk0EupW5KiyVlxIHI_vZKC7SHcQ,,&typo=1> From: Phaneuf, Ryan <Ryan.Phaneuf@mbakerintl.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 3:00 PM To: Ryan Wright <RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov> Cc: Winkleman, Ryan <Ryan.Winkleman@mbakerintl.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: FW: Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project Thanks for the heads up Ryan. Ryan Winkleman – did we get confirmation on any reductions of the impact areas that would be relevant to the HMMP? Thank you, Ryan Phaneuf, CAE, CERPIT, sUAS | Restoration Biologist – Ecosystem Restoration Michael Baker International | We Make a Difference Santa Barbara, CA [O] 949-330-4184 | [M] 949-616-0260 ryan.phaneuf@mbakerintl.com <mailto:ryan.phaneuf@mbakerintl.com> | www.mbakerintl.com <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mbakerintl.com&c=E,1,Xs9a45K4fbNLxf5S_eGoMhkeiUR1pTzHNuD pWMf35TGwAnr6O_xdc9n_91KfxzbKCOM-ONNh1J7YBgBmfTS3tZahb6gNbkzGyjM-NBJ3vWMEWzJEUbCNGZ8,&typo=1> From: Ryan Wright <RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 12:45 PM To: Phaneuf, Ryan <Ryan.Phaneuf@mbakerintl.com <mailto:Ryan.Phaneuf@mbakerintl.com> > Subject: EXTERNAL: FW: Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project Hi Ryan, Sorry, but I should have included you earlier. As you can see, some residents and Robb Hamilton have inquired recently about the project and the HMMP. Thanks, Ryan Wright From: Ryan Wright Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 12:06 PM To: 'robb' <robb@hamiltonbiological.com <mailto:robb@hamiltonbiological.com> > Cc: Lee Paulson <lee@silverlightpress.com <mailto:lee@silverlightpress.com> >; Cynthia Robin Smith <diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com <mailto:diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com> >; Dan Silver <dsilverla@me.com <mailto:dsilverla@me.com> >; Greg Gubman <GGubman@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:GGubman@DiamondBarCA.Gov> >; 'Winkleman, Ryan' <Ryan.Winkleman@mbakerintl.com <mailto:Ryan.Winkleman@mbak erintl.com> > Subject: RE: Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project Hi Mr. Hamilton, Michael Baker international and the City are currently working on a very thorough HMMP which should be finalized in the next several weeks as the projects completes the grading and ground disturbance phase. Take Care, Ryan From: robb <robb@hamiltonbiological.com <mailto:robb@hamiltonbiological.com> > Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:28 AM To: Ryan Wright <RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Cc: Lee Paulson <lee@silverlightpress.com <mailto:lee@silverlightpress.com> >; Cynthia Robin Smith <diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com <mailto:diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com> >; Dan Silver <dsilverla@me.com <mailto:dsilverla@me.com> >; Greg Gubman <GGubman@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:GGubman@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Subject: RE: Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project CAUTION: This message originated outside of our City of Diamond Bar network. **Please exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.** Hi Mr. Wright, Thank you. I'm interested to know what is being planned for the restoration. Is the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Report available for review? -Robb Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Ryan Wright <RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Date: 11/21/22 11:11 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Robert Hamilton <robb@hamiltonbiological.com <mailto:robb@hamiltonbiological.com> > Cc: Lee Paulson <lee@silverlightpress.com <mailto:lee@silverlightpress.com> >, Cynthia Robin Smith <diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com <mailto:diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com> >, Dan Silver <dsilverla@me.com <mailto:dsilverla@me.com> >, Greg Gubman <GGubman@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:GGubman@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Subject: RE: Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project Good Morning Mr. Hamilton, The City of Diamond Bar consulted with Carol Roberts, ESA Sections 7 and 10 Division Supervisor with the USFWS, in July and August 2022 regarding the project's impacts on California Gnatcatchers. It was her determination that with the project's timing outside of the breeding season, avoidance measures, and planned on-site coastal sage scrub habitat restoration, the project would not result in significant impacts to the species and would not require an incidental take permit. Take Care, Ryan -----Original Message----- From: Robert Hamilton <robb@hamiltonbiological.com <mailto:robb@hamiltonbiological.com> > Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 7:53 AM To: Ryan Wright <RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:RWright@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Cc: Lee Paulson <lee@silverlightpress.com <mailto:lee@silverlightpress.com> >; Cynthia Robin Smith <diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com <mailto:diamondbarbeautiful@gmail.com> >; Dan Silver <dsilverla@me.com <mailto:dsilverla@me.com> > Subject: Incidental Take Permit for Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project **Please exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.** Hi Mr. White, Could you please send me a PDF of the Incidental Take Permit that allows for impacts to the California Gnatcatcher from the Canyon Loop Trail Improvements Project? Thank you, Robb Hamilton President, Hamilton Biological, Inc. 562-477-2181 邀䂲逬虵仁㩑먱Ɒ満ုꁗ购濰;鄺逬ꋷ⩳肠玐揬쑲騀憠쁗逪胸蛿ꃁ擄㲰闲䊐㭉䠰胋渠副㪃䃡贒ﻰ⽧쭠塐锰䏐ꀗ㼰㽣ꃶ惋냺爽㩔畱槾삚愽ᅀ執逪Ǹ鄾雽⺡�V轉켴꽛峟嶿㧏㯲斑缰⦅懧戏⬟删쑹搾斿ᅬ�꽞佩彪潫罬轭齮濋炯ⶵ牵牏炆煆ꏽ䵐톆腑獵⽱㽲佳瓩絟渚淠퇶̼옿엯祯잟ꂏ宅拠﹢䝀 刔ᙀ痑嗰鷠/㿋俌⾁㲂῏媣ᾆ梂⣿펿繿헿횟힯窿䨟ッ侑뽷콸ྔ蚒쀼郺탶⿳줰懀걹ⵀ塚㱑഑䁁갱䅀㝓㔺ﴳ큀鑍镏陟靯㥿Ḑﭠ䉨畗⏑缐絏鷏ﮏ咵齒퇤荟萏됟 ᅪ鿎澈섩義￑ヒྍ軿ꀟ遟뀿魯鲯뒿鉿뒆捃탶䵌愠킈乿ꈡꇟ띟ꌿ蕿ᚴ斀䃪‾𤋮牐낶ᆠ끓盿艡꟏꠿빏뽿ꮈ蠏↑⿃ꖿ龯澯㾼辱龲꾳㯪탸啕梐兄䅕叾懸瀻�ΆῊ㾽쎅๻ꕠ抃뀣ြ邹灈復킈杀ꊅ�￁㿔헿쑍袿�픿쥪쥏턟꿿㿋俌忍惎ᙄ匡폆툿큏튿�웕懅`၏ᅱ࿘忪ᅳො跪��됏떿뿏�肘ꁻ奉㕈䍣婐⁃ᅄ腣祮맭䳑倬剔藰䗀�ぃ쁓醙腙聗卐ᅬ�ά뼂켃�‫⨸倪耖逬逿硥䚿奀੐喱�뤁矑〹᛿P姠⾀䑲⪠䒐ð럤瀬큕⽫ࡲ欁儼瘯坠ⴲ䁐 晱煻甠໻呠瞐ㄖ聙ぉⅅ倊ۿ܏ࠟयԿᇿዟᏯ‫楈ꌯ칗㯀挀￟⼖㼗优༕㼛伜弝트哻c疀錊㈐ŏ怽맹䑰㥆㾢ﵲﺯ䚴￳ᄏ〽ዿ㵖�吏⣯、㲏㿠鼞꼟뼠ⅿỏ⺏⼟〯㤿丂毀⏿ᨲ㈿㍯㑿梏褑粱弶漷缸輹Ž址奰ﭣ備㝼艂餷═婁㲟ݿ輽鼾《㘵ⴲ䠴㜷騭㠀䈱㈋㒖凩㈝ᅡ㍈꛳ȱ㣴䡄佄噂㞾싵幈至ἱ쁂祝瘀觫㿴콎�兿叿吏唟嘯圿䉏㖃㣂퇵潢祤湈罛䝽㞲퇵닫᷶삚呞Ž遡