HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeed Abatement and Pest Management at Tres Hermanos Ranch.msgCAUTION: This message originated outside of our City of Diamond Bar network. Please use caution with links and attachments unless you recognize the sender's address and know the content is safe. If you have any questions about this message, please contact our Help Desk at (909) 839-7082. Dan and Ben Josh worked on weed and rodent control strategy and has a couple of recommendations for your consideration. Here is our recommendation. The City of Industry (and I believe Diamond Bar) has a General Services Agreement (GSA) with LA County that allows us to utilize all of their various divisions and departments to supplement the city and our staff. To that end we have used their Weed Hazard and Pest Management Bureau of the Los Angeles County Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures to clear grass, weeds, and/or brush in compliance with the Los Angeles County Fire Code on various properties the city owns including historically also at Tres Hermanos. I have attached our most recent GSA. They have used mowers to mow down the weeds within approximately 100 feet of any structures along the property lines of Tres Hermanos. The attached quote for $17,234 covers the yellow parcels in the mapping at the end of the PDF. These are in LA County. For the parcels in San Bernardino we used a combination of goats for one month in the steeper areas and the San Gabriel Conservation Corp to trim the weeds on the westerly side of the property up against the Diamond Bar residents. In August last year we added around $6,000 of mowing by the county south of Grand. I need to confirm if all these invoices were paid by the Authority or by the City of Industry, but my intent would be for the Authority to pay those this year either way. For the easterly property line up against Chino Hills homes, last year Chino Valley Fire Department didn’t realize we had cattle grazing and once we told them that they didn’t require the weed abatement. The other thing to note is that there aren’t structures right up against Tres Hermanos in Chino Hills like there is in Diamond. We can contact them and see if they still feel the same in light of the cattle grazing. Having the cattle grazing has saved a significant amount of costs through the years. Otherwise the clearing they are requesting could be a very significant cost we haven’t had to incur in the past. This could be a result of the fire there last summer. One thing we have never explored until this year was to use county also for the pest management at the dam and around the structures. We are currently using Janus Pest Control. They charge $900 every other week in the summer months and monthly in the winter months for a total of 17 visits per year at $850 per visit for $14,450 per year. When we asked Janus to give us a quote to handle pest management around the structures, their quote was $1,650 per month which included weekly visits. We didn’t explore if some months could be less but that would come out to $19,800 per year if that continued every month. The attached quote from the county is $24,965 for both the structures and the dam and includes weed control in addition to the pest control. So we would like to stop using Janus at Tres Hermanos to save at least $10,000 per year especially if you consider the weed control there. We also are more comfortable using the county. I discussed the GSA with Tracy and she has recommended that the Authority seek to sign their own GSA with LA County, but in light of the timing for this summer, I am requesting that the City of Industry be able to utilize their GSA this year as well as our contracts with the goat company and the San Gabriel Conservation Corp to complete this work. The City of Industry would then bill the authority for those costs. The hope would be that those three entities contract directly with the authority over the next 6-9 months for next year’s work. If you are okay with that and my approach above I will sign all the paperwork with the county as the City of Industry and bill the authority subsequently. Please let me know what you think Thanks Troy ℁每譜蠓⢬Ǘ䀨脛ꍙͥ뉻繞詙甥ᔛ심ẃ嗒⶘샶⼾垰営屔쎶጑㄂﷫⏹끪ᅳ酥ꋛ뀁唁襸ﺖ⥸咍䩿ኼࣣ뱍秂⑝䖶��踰��j੊ᤑᤳ觼៘伡촉ﰾ๻蹒Y蔧ﷷꫢ⬟䞘ᰅᫀ姛쓕穵晟걡럩䂹倧궞︻짾蘶ࡌ쒶ᚘ롎㠣⩾㮳ᩍ獈꧄쬬硖訙掟露窙㦆⌡蕘ă䡍ӻﲯᰆ呎쿚ᷡ猿欝쀵그諟韣상龆뾑ᗼ䪬ໍ�졽�ﶁ㶡쥦뽶賧䪾魻䬵ꗎ奍疹络헥旬瞿ꄈ⫰썬㛂翂懡垦돕䛜誡䴅�聺뿙缤뱊य़�划濫鹋ꘞ㾜ἅ賕࠯찟גﶘ䠺饩现짻伪䔹ℶ 癉蔛*�聩㼦缕Ɫ꼁쐲밸붷⇅Ə쾩귄⃲ᖦ泅㙸야䛅蓤鹤睵ﻶ斠∡䠙≔栁䰪路瑧닷耦ꐦ萛㽋䰖孹㿞吷댿与䲑莢틈풮ᄜ狼鳡槡㇟퓛썌ꁽꋹ尲Ⴤᑖ冋ꐼ⾍搲Ꜫ끑业䄚州芕舼殼ꃞ谯塻錟⹎멧箋欄覄ꭔ�왡媍쁘㾠ﱑⓆꇺ繇혹룲ꘉ頀ଫ⽯﯃眼櫟썑襽簬豞ꐾ찊九욭Ő厧ᯖ蜕籫ꩶῌᶷ铄苯々쑯�默搜Ꮼ䖧ⴛ샪⚅�簉욜ݽ䙔<䁂懿탢կꚸㅱሙᄍⅯ뿢㕣鵣烞䩤蹬萯ᩋ酿ᄢ듦䞮⊘䵛ɝ㶆龿遘Ჺ뜛⃝藴懔㶕蹶ﮊ캛푀掷봌᯿퍱섲 ᱍ唲僛㛦霽ꘆ�ꄛ浹ᅠ⎹搎ⳬ禳ৌ២೦㩓巸춫נ늇먀㔱ꤳ往竿덜盒옥邃舅硡ꪻ륤罅峜࣌植拎ṝ℉๘樛嗒熨ᠪិ樓ᗴ⁙㳓懵旀퓮䃞萨㠇翟է蠹ꎾ奄৪睂抇덃爾늄裤㭲뉕긬놋沼�ޘ晶ℑソ琨춨䝞컣㎴ꭾ衄羰픹쭰交詳㲕婁鮅Ӷ淃댉쮵郚ᰴܣ낟閴崧渞컓㰏㖬ಗꐢ쯇皡ﴽ냄岽늎⧜죝㏄瑃쟽꒭悓衔漕׌㺒졕哕ᖉ笘ᙌ㭀Ꮛ圃�䊪㿑‍ゃ嚜ඌ鯧쿭騀胧얽˶쪴਄쎫鄥捸즱욦噓苨ꑽ崳⪺뚵痀浗땨枼譫ᒾ䇬ϋରஒ问￵㔏붅ﬤ틴韒땩扚 筣㶪킚ீퟣ鉛靷飄ༀ둰琩ꇾᨔ둂䦕뵛⼥ꉏ옼⃓࿵䪼�옆涓阿駶�厁ꩽ샀骞缟梻몬攆줤ﰰ쉉䞋䎟쇽₪쿔뮈ᾝ䝈͝Ὴ봄賕篜ﰚ휞䩢闰ᶳ럩짡ῆᓲ嚡ᗗ淡ᴜ㩑聸ۍ⇹叨䳎쒐鷎㕋ⶇ㡾霋岅馲괋�⧝ꅷ㈪⾌๖嫅늚᭒䥿熜�䃟|屏㩕ﵗ橬匧䓈ჿ鶁巔䅐岮褛⸖꼀⫁㊶俢⭋狕짶宊瓢添᪎䄟㸒謣뢷㊮檏쁺ᡗ舦仱⚋á瞔蘕ᔖꎸ湇홠獽䚍銃眠憴㠂騳乔ⷷ蕌矎낁櫷⳴⹡쭜䭜㧖涣鶐∦悡볝䍌䔸窏�ᇍ᝚釻㿨邂舕⡉꺤钷扼뭔璟 쓭熯곦翕ἵᾡ텝蕎ꔏ滠珡蓁ȧ뒷ㅋ쓥䰬쌼㼆嶕�蝈轆䑔ꂞﱃĆざ䔁༣ጪ䤳崛ﶾɧ㉄瑡ጦ凊ɪ⛽贿ꧺ䂑ᷣㅨ꥽ꣃ鋫�։㺢뽉떷弫뚏픽귳촑윁ꉖ鍸튇۟提՟넘酱扴惂玌豹孴ꁪ馽賱㶆⸱伦睧譮ᖾ噡쮋ꜰ趖蓀맥닢僧勬澱Я帑䷊ꓠ輪▂穘묛䛏꾢觅貫덹ᅮ፵肍ꡋ뽟⚮瑄꺺꫕㥳⍴囃뇜殛ꣾ穖拧棌䶳禜䕲뤻唵⣁ǹ跳╶ﻧ났熆鄗䨆곍༃~眹盈イ뵖䒹틬檱쫎ꦞ�枌䆽䬅䂧䅶魮⑋㹆阃擉绂⦂쿽薝璅黣簆�추厬䙤죝뉱ﲎ�꣢﭅⇝办耽汪㺢Ⓖ 뇵Џ빴㟸ᓆ묯齉锦㷸⃪ᰖ몦竑홓ᓯ蠴퐲蠁魯⫝̸巒갚鉯泎髕ꂵႍ鉎冐䜝⏌Ί寷壋ᅡ饨牲馸Ⅱ母艬晛ᣩ켿䝳汬⪤ꤍ몸㕮�颬䀮粀䵧ᯌ⥤�ᛷ㽈닼䌻晰챹瑎�࿳黉掦㋊륅逗⪱�⺵嘻�➝啰熇Û庪ĭﹹ䵉䜪潷꧰굍҂嶞솢ኋ鯓틹倉뢔愂鱸慅哠㪙ኁ縛戺캊̬훩朗᎟ᨭ䏍엺귮鿮藍꫓䜖^逸ფ⣃澐鴞ꙫ좿葭瀹ᒌ樚臉퉺ꅽ褣ׁ퓢氺畛⍫䟫鬏욉飼�쓵攗㳃졃裢옪ࡃڲ㩁㔆ၯ쫂찁驺ဒᤦ�鎀眗�⡊䙄Ꚏ씫擛鸊ᇓ뒱郴ス樍⭦긡觜 䬚劾ྙ鱩孖癢兹첈艌ൻ䦩羪ꮜ堼㞘醴蔱˿ऋ怪䷡᧳䉙즇옃ᨨ氐컗솧ꜝ闡홴ಈ⻱殛糃櫏덝䴇呥㪻膏ꓰꔾ臨䧘뤥脤웰瘈詣鰿嶎탠槧픽곜㙑쀼ૠ䪟঵䟕⩜얤늍뢜鼏쎹䓫業轕挗쑲ⳟ⌇ක䔛敜㮖᫭韪驟鸛毿㞰֒묗ᯧ澚傦䅬ﲅ椴뵵ཌ쯉�ㄝ⥚糀ꢷ弧疋墽맨Ě﹂ۿ✓夓⨗⛗ﶴ蝀ꔊ犯籟벡ړౣ찑㏩썰径댁턦㏂彬佣ഃ㣐䍾孛摈�賾䧒ⰺ拥楅ꍴ㚬驷ꮚ哓䅍숟枩⓻߫ᖤ魹퇤疰㿾鉖相醏ᅸ暈�㽱។∈溚姘舲㺊巡ᚯ䫃핯㘽믧ᙲ첿뉗멮秊ৢ秕穼ⶎ 㞰毤鰾쯴❓⊤퀺썽ꞑ푉帐䱰|絑娲揱౳ꕃ៱쩸䝕뛶ㄵ๡뚟⠽螐禑鑱Ἰ棭啻ὦퟍ說㶺˝昇鋇ᵽ뾟踢쁙ᦝ⢜ゖ䲆〄꺣࿛鱑춁হ⠯￾�灨剶싛ᒃ└�뎄蜱伫ᅵ兊懥늳讈뀳咰Ꮡ櫱ᴼ棾閖ᘅ⫉ྒ냶쵂⭝쩋૭ܝ뙉࢝교ᆚ㨼ⅵﻶЊ샛蜞鴕摊붴㊠馞ᾙ텩웞肺헷ቩዱ툎�汸ꖹ詒럩ܘ篕잨噞槃ᅙ겔혢ꘀ裸膗م깷팦�䠊쌐t뉌笁鷞⑽ᇐꈗ乡廬䲄䌖⁏鉾怴ꨴ鰙歚腉ᄬ�먓㾐싎생꼈吒砉웕ⳡ묾麩溫ꀚႹ㱠퀄몤⃞ﻜ䊐珒抇윧鍝㍡撅ሮ 鱸쀭ᄀ耑�奔莅�吪呒盦⻡망듓ꓝ辴䙝糖ꃏ킟撷菚⡐㵧缪餷䇌䃻毣꓍볲�깂鴸呱乮皦翑쟈蠢뀅蹷剢큱⧯�媰䱸圱슃ꅶ䰻￙蝭꒛훋蹟넣�㤁턺쫃目ᐤ僇㡉媱陼厜�癢䘨핟九Ъ嵩ᴎ᷿㑉↮豸垵㬎툀⛾޸홑ũ冁ч䇭䃬䌥꣄㬌땈ᇸ䟕♱셥䉟⛟䄹轾ᱸ�쓀銍뙟ᰇ筭ꤸ╻ꃊ畐㘦韒뀔홢䕢媸袥锍⻢镔妲僎蓆㰢㧴햆ﲒ読卸忇�휳랏᧡⽭䁂↠퉵≚ᆵ쌌⑰闉暰尡啩꒍类붳瞓勥烿硣붉⩬涖鐂ﯵ쇦큉㞽ؘ꧆嵑쓆␚�꽘粽벉擼ﶇ酲ꎾ퍋㝁ቚ砍  뷄檆ꩬᬷ⃉퐙혾܋謋಴测䧭巗䝶쇏诊콗횕끼ᱵ뇴聚㜣烮�૾叿탅룽簮滤㣰튦쩹滎孲랺唫蔲꿊鵕紷Ԉ懳့ਜ훂㊤꩝〔選〩㋒䣨쮁ૣ랭퀥윇瞡祀抿㴙楰ⳁ䃌촟뢫勞ᦰ휎௓煙麟쀚妋ॼ偆鬝룅岩眙ꖅ鱲“㖾籨ꘄ䙤⪐ὒ뾯㕟䓸襰ឪ젛䔯ᚦᚮ⠵缉㛍僅e䷲㷧淋渤틷ᗐ∰뼂妡覴✪ꚥ㿊铎蝜䮒㹠ꨘ覺Ч疳杊䍰銦摂ꖌ쯶耻㼊릠䇝쮰놷妥伛䪘␢맲╯绡悓謂ﴱ瞛畟ᙆ艛ਫ਼锝꓊졩侧⧪윛둆笝ւṆ켚尜棢셼�읿웣荾嬦ﺮꇅ⿣ꤛ椴ꢁ 减竍ꍓ₀㫾ᨐ픅䕩♖佺뾙鄍䛂逥陼짳΃ꡐꪰ伤䅝�Ⳝ灦�㓿Ŭꢮ½鉱᫪냾䑆쯶帿섻ᑈ发る肭錉�ᏼ務눜蹞⼀ⶆ삡鴱憕寏矑싻這哇飤䔞靌鶾霨噘꾄ꋇ♉帍Ȕ얖漀簂뾍㐦鷁亢愛筥逛絝뒇裰郞㹲몚秥톻곡猠꫼嚏ﻚ﫼崎�誇읖⦀闷榽⛹⦿뷥漨땩믎樂晸詷鱘魯氝荅噜㔨濸䭙㈩ᗩꪊ썍籣㵳赁뇎㺁듎쟰꒐乥ᆪී텲ᅵ删磟࿥墸䅥俭�섀�䅑暵볺䏓�꘵㻞鯺룅샞冏�舯㿧嗵⇔敡⧈졣守㍎⠭龆綋㪟퇓뱢髙┲㋡ዼ眅බ︭蔩䈣 ᧅ䃪䤅鰡ѥ蓠켡坣郁뾧⭺뷐겳旝៿綱菡䟃墅挭ᢱ㛧藦萪옰喅霦넺㱪ᤖ斶릎㧫䬤Ґ緟䤬Ⅹ㶱쬉䶫苀늗份᭍ɖ咙བྷ಻섘欶⼪鲊葾镓蜤㱿ⓠ捜犻㔦�倸᪽⎨탁⶷섢ᓤ惢ᚒȔ닑恵轌쀡ᩙꅦ埻Ƚ�鈕慣ⷜɓ鏖ଽ탈╙໅ᬰ≑章볍⃬⋸避鈞�ꕢ뤏饈燦龾⫈卫紈￷푀㰊켹憝莽▧⥥ઔ颰磾윥㻎隫魔ᢂ䶚햨ﱡޒ兪ㆇₜ쐻졛ﲔ䄱鴌콆錻ꉃ鳂픗쮼娫㲾뤥�䜻룈觏銥﷾ﺈ寛䍞簶⃞㤘嗔⹔ោ凴ᛏ뒨ノ怴쐪䅢夤ꕽ팼梺⋏龇콙∙嘴槁嵨夕ﮊ쩰遻凕 멺栎诌꤫㛮˭멺袁鬯䧽⿳᥇ꪳϭ鵒糗ꋐ延嵑�걕帛洨㱯펾㗶ꮮꈥ泎绦띮랿ꎢ鞴븄⨁诡艀욳쨼駉坡⌂퇙돰㧛폨ⲏ屹䣈࿾Ō꒲�ȃ�綡㎟慟쵋㘏솆⤕ﴢ馿䒁릂圓﮳玖◻墔䔜ꑻ繡㸖绣앹盙䣏ⓟὗ꞊登㸠ㄿ憏颲呐щ<⩸鱤␲杖쳳ɭ噬뵱フ楛㭵횿퓦ꤿ죘팮䟃ฎᜠ뒍㓌첀猺�ᬆ耠틹揷�贠ꈌ똷�睩찗嵱㑋吂ﳇ㨍ⲱꔃᴑ隃꿾短ෝ輙兽燠쳝圞떵嫐䫑冉Ἂꛮ괒挖ң艹괚僘䕟詅̠⚜蝙ﲁʏ닯뛀̝㟓쪍ꈫ萃㰟뷟땤堼癆ࡳ긎⭉稶鿒苳슞 ꚼ퀾ᒑ紴ۀ�Ⲷ龞䧠빓⡍耆ዼ쇺鶪개䛒ꡀꠌ啚쥲䂣ᤪ낛䏋팩雦佪䖲瓉컍痥馹텗ፆ莜㆞큿�瘘�⑗㨞좕ྔ䏒䴽㐸ꈭ蹘摖섰䠨泲乲弇�֟�煾⓽⤐櫡鞨匷̧Ꙩ䝋炪᧐⼧⧔텑䐜쾧ॱ烯�넓嵇჆䚭߸︑ﮊϿ쁰㜳௿犐魏࿽ꃴ홠땯ባ榍宭഑庘്⁸䓱ଖ펳귰Φ皉꘥⒈算ꭾ旡쏇쒼胳歧䵉ᩯ㋒뢩䆾罵ఞ橾雲�ธ䍭ᯰᣥ墑푏遥东楱ᱠ鷣�灡쾁軾͟쫀豓鉘啁ⵥ뀢㔁簝嶱챤䏜碐⏭ꏧ囿⎃츠꿝㵪ࠧ䍔砙谥何떚埮स旕鮑ᮄ娝쵌ᔴ앚걃䢡坆읏 �쨕茰듂蚴椆嬹훂㍸귬㚮ც㮡喧屸㱳蜐겒ᫌꤪ๸쨜ꉖ呌่隢ଣവ҅‘뚢䎵㉴箊ቹ頠䤒ꂬ꘹碲悚뺃瘝㶶ᾥ멸㻙ꦴ☁茏䊌햰鶞㛞䂇យᡰ쵶启ㆎ⨖ﯮ拃곎鄗〖囒㖗�踸㕂ݶꯣ살퍟ꙕ⺹䢼䠁⠄皇럑䜚殣事⎠욞뢵ꖂ�尨俄밥�泎຿ങ턻�콐鹾䔩騖䟀心艹鱈G끠⧡ꆼ䠛箜奊堮﹠㦦⑪Ҡ裳᭙鱠᭰辐줒�癨壠㜈�ፈ쑩闟쏟슎﨟돢䰭ꐔ껎ጯ䘐Ь錏⠏婖삩뵛脕똛촞飒螞쳛௮召瀭怲᾵ו舣孤钌ฬ傹캷ၰ꒙�䊮+捑ഩ殶๟㲬�斑뒭葖�ᖀ㥮 拻ೌṪ࿱䶏셯᪡崣雘ӿ譮蚈낣놖ᄷ靖諃驏岙鼑쿅褧෴멪苺碑뗠汬쒢葏젒橺ꁍ䇬稉யಊ젮革ᾐ塀䄻⦪᳒ᤛ傤眸�샟鬈穎ꖍआ㑟ⅅዯዘ㈹㟔崵�洸氹㮭�ᶇ㢇軂㿯⿔頑餺ꄅ絹澊銃䦸࣬﹢暯聂죒룎鉚瀬績ש蓣潖븼雡魦輭凔ឰ왤�⁥ᐠ쐌ᴺ璦⛝〸�䃨辮�韖䕮㻾獯⎗�㽪䙬〣⟩ᅰ⾕憍뒨㜂ጭ珠㟞㹩컧滓ˈ櫼윏蝆飄혘쯌㪷卞ࡅꪇⷥ촀ﻯ礕貌ධ䄄ᶗ堗ὦ聕昏ట榰蠄個κ荠끎蓇㛪ᙞ吤샬嗴⩆왫饳䵻ไ婹�蟽ା싰恛뢅�卩 軠螸飖ᾐݽ掞结蹥蕺숹㹋疊殼쥱큚㽍兙甏خ髛〓닀ħ㕆ᕗ摥燸ฑ좱座숅곛霏銋糫㼒祂籥␄⯶※꽒ᢓⰎ㏳舄슀䤓ᚿ歜௜뢣ᆥ⬾ꡍ⊨뼠∨䕂㘧዆䫰邊㳓䩒뗯쫮쨛﨡孄渇䔙ຬ索߮�뎉﹇ؐ璂뙾鐊ハ㑦౅渗Ṟꛑ迉$ᤈ丮◹臣㟥䣉鴧蟗ভ쟼፛዁쿰亷툽ὣ빁ᚱ轸㴓蟏깪毃슢↌姼꺮—|Უ张쑞쎛别Ⲿ⟺瞎⑑⷟榯鮅䮊緝Ꮇ梬倅F箹钠ⲫ毋橾쒐、ﭿ㬩㉯ࢌ飷﵁嶾Ґ杓䝳췸纏�蔅蛉疑聬둔顷㢨᮳輰厌䌢진ﴆ䶺䄁䪌찻庤᷼蘉澺怕仾쐾 㬡宥说亚䳢訍稲ま䧚䁅嘡ꝩ뷘䏞Ꭼ⠳掍풧㦐豬鹸굩ナ鲜଀渳켆屁ឱ�坬污Ꞙꃏ◿�좬返�鍟웍Ҡﭟ袙⹍ꤎ�嘦〨਷䘧ખ潔㾒鉖絢洟劘㖡諞䀀办⥋ⶰ엎鲞齽ൔ쐇辪轻썩﷡儼棋༐艼ݓ庂삲猊誗滐줘꣬痬끊㻣⥬Ⱙ奺煮㤹ᅦ팻슓畚謗善퇵⤳갽Ġ㺤ž檾咂窚띄䆗鿧땦�愱뀇ጻ싂૑䇍떨㦸럟﫥╻뉑꽏䝛㋄몣ꌯ섕ᚦ⿰�쩼켑躣ዽ_떕毲痧둟뭏掑╥嶹敢䵷㐗춞઩픫禡瞰ꫲ嚏ᒳ㨠ꚦ퍳衽咴梤療酯⏢䭩뉫绚멄컶詳䎝뇉罛舞퐛䂴슕Ṻ䡳⫨ ꫺묭ﴜ܂薎亮ຼຍ쓌渍緙ષ詹ꊑ⒐焍钟㩒塡㒖᥺嫈ဒѼ슜母�冭ሂ䖈䡠胏阪諎ΐ᝽ﺠ�애읖璄ꢴ؉༣ẏ으༩턇䤳꺑ቬ팥઻ꊁ籐䓆汩酎ꠡ굕풤￟椣膿㪏蕭ෞ偑蚐䪻漃㰷ᱠ뽚庀篶댯轪఻嘻�D瘪�핲:쳂�鉖嬱ⰴ⛝䅋晁ힼ৊᛭Ⅱ薫佫颳볶藅肖鶃✦섩眑숡縄ꥎ줳韧≐㝶턧韰䰧࠾ꮛ椎�ꋫ௕᱉挮⯄ꌹ鄩창䶼쯦н쵍⎐怣镔큅蹾䝘ᖀἹ⥴ќ骵樍ʸ㶉틼䀐㎓㳵囥㟎䡔鼾텨핻妩྽滲❵䀴郭ꑤꕔ첎뙉䄏߈儶鄟ᮭ홪隤풦᪮핉㕈㡭ິ င臝�캊볳킬慶䵑鼪웥Ԇ�丐欞︭濌࢏︚⊦齗秽�ﴣ웵缳⪧ꍀ๞땛㢛≟��喎푎ꛃ曡﹵ٴ걍烽퀵ꡮ鲻ക獂뺊㟜準읜늌쬘簉蹿㈅첚녵쨒ﵭꠇ摍䂡ᡲ닟軩쩬鋬戺墓㫵퉫廇स䲑邻쒄ᴙᩕ契︣�싚뇑㚥ꛢ题蚉監㧴꜌佣跰뗲৵꾈큢픞媿莥돢㕧ḙᬠ餉蓏ᴑ1�衂尝뇵᷶炷⟈컗睯㹹뺐搷�唠펊컝糁ﶒ孒ﺱ韓強༞邚欵駍扝걲䕺跘ଡ꿦궉捎싟끴턃輧დ홋塷뵑쳕誠巍ਙ쩍紀ᏸ頮⛤踀䉽そǾꝻ횫Ჱ䫐騬ﵪ䔊℩�⃡⾶ꀮᚸ匢ﶡ곜慹枱 ➫⛿�骄ૃ醌涉�䋊ݫ౟ᥱ₩䅘ᤚ竤剉륢䱽ᯭ숥൘줡宒洋髪醛ᰗ迠ɉ硢⎺뜁檙낐ᰦ潲﹚젽醦콊城崏ោᤲ媼Ҁ盷숢곮ᵬ㒮멲Ⓚ⟪͚좱뢃⮨籷አ⩠躒豃珛垚蘶槀꿩杍☺Ꞵㅧ印럎熷䳜祾✽䵄莎濂탭䩔䧨봓眜騊瀅ꃝ䨥�쮓랥䊝꺑涨꣕ᐜﲃꮣ❔瞣ř멮랛Ⴡ芒䚰隓ᇙ竁젖㐾ﱤ䅯팷펯뷊ݺꋙ䙁�㓈菋檅ꗏৼᙾ⎀㿓꥔졶犴◆힒惼蓽�ﺽ鍄ꬢ늡컬恰⒙瞶塑潻蕤쭧裮銡�䃚푵⚂䲑溶傋⌊ᩐҖ槶⧀硳竧⼷