HomeMy WebLinkAboutRe_ _FWD_ Qs on Tres Hermanos_ (3).msgPerfect. On Jun 30, 2016, at 5:51 PM, James DeStefano <JDeStefano@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:JDeStefano@diamondbarca.gov> > wrote: Rad – The 13th looks good to me. As the date gets closer, we can figure out the time and where. Looking forward to it. Jim James DeStefano | City Manager 909.839.7011 | 909.239.1700 (c) From: Rad Bartlam [mailto:kbartlam@chinohills.org] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 4:52 PM To: James DeStefano <JDeStefano@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:JDeStefano@diamondbarca.gov> > Subject: RE: [FWD: Qs on Tres Hermanos] Sounds good let’s do that. Wednesday the 6th or 13th? Thanks, Rad From: James DeStefano [mailto:JDeStefano@DiamondBarCA.Gov] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 2:17 PM To: Rad Bartlam Subject: FW: [FWD: Qs on Tres Hermanos] Rad – FYI. See email below. Long time no talk….I think you owe me lunch….LOL. Let’s see if we can coordinate our calendars and make it happen sometime soon. Jim From: James DeStefano Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 2:06 PM To: 'mnapoles@championnewspapers.com <mailto:mnapoles@championnewspapers.com> ' <mnapoles@championnewspapers.com <mailto:mnapoles@championnewspapers.com> > Subject: FW: [FWD: Qs on Tres Hermanos] Marianne – In answer to the questions regarding zoning designation and residential dwelling unit yield - please see the information provided below received from the city Community Development Director. The current zoning designations and the approximate maximum residential yield for the 700 acre portion of the Tres Hermanos Ranch property within Diamond Bar is 624. Please contact me should you need any additional information. Jim From: Greg Gubman Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 1:24 PM To: James DeStefano <JDeStefano@DiamondBarCA.Gov <mailto:JDeStefano@DiamondBarCA.Gov> > Subject: RE: [FWD: Qs on Tres Hermanos] The zoning designations are AG (shown in green) and RH-30 (shown in lavender). The AG designation was carried over from the County zoning map designations of Light Agriculture (A-1) and Heavy Agriculture (A-2). The RH-30 designation was adopted in 2013 to comply with state RHNA mandates. The RH-30 zoned property is about 30 acres. The maximum net density is 30 dwelling units per acre. The net buildable area is estimated to be about 16.3 to 17 acres, but the maximum number of units is capped at 490, which equals our RHNA number for low/moderate income households. The maximum density in the AG zone is one unit per 5 acres. The zoning district is about 670 acres, so under the current zoning, that would yield 134 units before considering hillside density restrictions. Areas having slopes of 10% or steeper are subject to Hillside Management standards, and the densities would be less than one unit per 5 acres in those areas: the steeper the slopes, the lower the densities. For example, in areas where the average slope range is between 26 and 30%, the maximum density is one unit per 5.6 acres (a 10% reduction); in slope areas ranging between 36 and 40%, the maximum density is one unit per 8.3 acres (a 40% reduction). I cannot confirm at the moment, but I believe that the 700-acre estimate for Diamond Bar’s portion of Tres Hermanos includes the 100-acre DRHS campus. If so, the base density yield in the AG zone would be reduced to 114 dwelling units In sum, the maximum allowable number of units is between 604 and 624 units prior to factoring in slope density reductions for the AG-zoned portion of Tres Hermanos. <image001.jpg> Greg Gubman, AICP | Community Development Director City of Diamond Bar | Community Development Department 21810 Copley Drive | Diamond Bar, CA 91765 909.839.7031 | 909.861.3117 (f) www.DiamondBarCa.Gov <http://www.diamondbarca.gov/> ________________________________ Confidential Communications The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals named above. If the person actually receiving this message or any other reader of the message is not the named recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the named recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately destroy AND notify us by telephone at 909.839.7080. ________________________________ Confidential Communications The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals named above. If the person actually receiving this message or any other reader of the message is not the named recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the named recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately destroy AND notify us by telephone at 909.839.7080. 틺�İ깁ባ�㧃䟼艚웮㬖抈袻석䁤㻘㒸닜᪌멺難扯∇鎚삎宛忑䗛阬靊Ꮁ黄圈耧挻퉂噵䧒煫좰尢쓆ᥧ礨篆䓗䉥뻥鍬䷫咸랸⎖鄤႙颧㊜룧贽䙴斴趤厣騗ꍾ철鯳챶襧ⵖ쓅厗躼鎛ꔏ驺䷛�᳃铚뭋䵻㌨鸜鰱휃Ჹ惘踅ᢲ襥双쥂늍ꀎ뿣좸㦭㯕뺜ꆛ㍋ࡇㄟ$⨽有ѹ쎑㗦澔鎘ሹ쀑㏍텑걮棚給鮻䌥ቤ嬍嚓髆⵭ਢঘ贤竔㿰䔊扩ﮅ鰡轊봲噺麆푒⑍粮Ӧ맄䧹㴙ꬪ휦ᥙ㉂ဌ㶽퍩ꕽ孡䊹ᑂ㓏༉泻�앚鄰馉㍙튃澝尫蘇엢荭馜ꌓ� ꏖ畱ၩ㳘ケ쳞츏챭嶱ນ헑絽�䳬거㛂䊒狛핺魻虆ꐘ믙짌鹃듢�⵮㑵枖耭ѓ狤㼎투馮퍰馫耐꾷卡汲殌蕐哆ꄴൾ쏅䦎蜝嫩憯ꡯ鏇죔ꏪݮ⩞偩ቇ霘ᇷⶏ乏簇薋犎偍ᣅ욎㯒罶䂼�娟劑䰒뒲ﭸ]娀黖ශ蒪炍懸暌꾔–텣ᑰꝴ싌勆�쯩ʾ꣄߁㪞ꋓꃔ䒾梇�릐寡꟒왰◡艣쁸哩ଵ摕䂒빶⩹퀻皥䤢恕ꧤ㰹걶揙剦뷇�ퟄ刺⎙؄ᗵ⒇쩊鷇ꦻ˵낼ࣇⵟ軫ꛘᒁ⫓⌐ꬨ橋㻱řᡅ짫㌕슪ઇᢻɠй峕ꁈ疾ꔼ獤ᇃ틗宧▙惀猕鼆时⮔斩퐋ﳶ� ꎔ爒젇䏫۔燄膂덕π棸뢥躷&⢳遡맃関쾐楹黤惙亊啣⨂ັ遖䀪胐矃䍳䔣吉Й�碅识䶱겂䁮츙㲨⊃圃䀦ᕕᾤ⫨ḇ鹜䝞燊ႊ騕ꌝ㢷ⶦᆱ眀퀃苖᪮鱃ઌ饮﷈ꙫ�ᵇ됲챶耺⬅͙࿔헀쒝Đ�⩎䖮슊꣘Ϡ桌翘ꬉ﹄뽔䁊啓䛚쟡歺횮픾끬⃏졈⺒ᔺ༜ɚ˅管骜虢٢橎藩̉婿앫뢪䖬✜�䜲驺㙲ᴨ틺臆㶒鋩ÿ⎬郒鬏舾鲓⤂⿍保땞뺣삗貅ᬃ㢩룜槽࣋套ꏊਨ⣀䰱དྷ信ꕪ�֛䠺谔㘀麑ﲞㅔ訡묱ꠀ䥠壆ꖧ霹㐙᩺쵞鄋 ሻ⠍Ḅḥ폜瀣ᐇ提`뤾஭搂↓餀�ᬨ豷稏덁沸᫻刀ླྀ髭会㕱䁲ﳭ౓ɷ鎝ÿ퐬獘塌燎ޏ⨽靆脣窏斏젎酜ˬ᥇꿧䃫뎑迗牪걆㠇똧ゥ最舋⏇迚๧终㷎품贴釔塏ﷂ雡馧᜕ᵨ䥐⬱릝꤆씮⅙鐤嗍둼뎅ᡈꗈѸ퓓삒툁횪̐㦻諤印ꗞ㍈퓺›炥�㭈㍲胞ຄꦹ꣈陘挻菠胞씘薟信鉺锿鱱濔쎍綎≇⒀訧⥦쥁얥਀骤ᱳ㫰酒㾎ㄺ⃅訛ᡰ∣肗�㩿ਁ郃煇孓ꃼ痤겦ꍥ缄؏뾔놑�뒎謌瘣๎칩峙쀠暨狌㸐ﮠ繓胒�㤆䷩ᵉㆪ渱솇㵐M뙝⪌࿆㝂栶顳ﭸ�㮥粩v愊䠤늣 ⓲鯹驧�닆슅䈎ÿ为痼ꓵ䠃⭘串䡐䧢稡铟꟰䒥㌶麌ꦘ҇畠Πʊ궎ꗀ樇Ꮢ᚜툜�镳盠떦瞴䏪Ɉ쒳ᣅ犀愾穇煺ॗ㯊ꐔ엖렫㆐瓻椟䢵ঔ㵖濲܇礡⃧ຌ㗇ﺌ팟⇯퍦♒羏ワ顏刏Ấ�喺ꝲ䘵䫫붴ꏔ쒽�믆롣릍콑镣伽�掺㍖ꏍ᱑蠏풳䔾鈸�捺ꋒ饫య걖ཱྀ໰㠇巯뷮⸜ﶋ榣�詹ⲉ鈍莀鲹ՠ岓ꟾ퓠ݛ侗侘谓᲌掜舠�㕚썌涎⍢嘤䟲씺跁뻶櫟瞩씥ࣂ񰧉ʸ氳淚᳊阰ㅮ司ᦵᜆ怲臧��椮蠺鶳롡퉲좑娟㚻涣콰熀ۆ魫趶퓾踝䛠穋婱퀶畋끴ᧅ 㣧䊓㐷㫏酕싉ᄰ㷆㡉젿럔譤ⲏ쭿व熌爴⬋ﱈ粰溛ܢ놫鿯ퟌ缻钮点٣�㰇ﭤ慑귞瞺덩ꓲ⍕퉰䳤掅癠軣㎽嫏⺥Ჩ隰㠱㞘쿏煟멎췲ꆴ䂕쟉䗩犅蓭渭貌꽘䭐♧ᾮ撘햞ٚ豤ᤔꔇ摎钑䎭埜픖崂ꍎ뛮Ἀ챚홸㰩咉礀긆࿎ꤒ유蟷ꚨ䋟醗獅䘞賡땾恫됨輅⵱篳ﱣ沊욒⑥㈐ꬹⱱᆫʉ喖篨嗳唙㌘¡芎욕ㅖᢉ⦮�솱眇⁕ඞ⨍昗⁴곞☻蚝篨ﰜퟃ鴿脻ᕭ∶ި蒎ᑧⵓ㞞텒醺肁ᕍ뤂䀡ꦱ�়古馣ᕎ貳뗲紑撬䯹譩₃쁢ᣍ�⇍ꃂ捅뇲樽脠뾜㭚�睮 稁焀פֿ朤⼄礽☹쎕㩳淜㝉猶悊渣݉ߓ妥銝錻ꀒၐ휷Y਀둢인뢖颮⡼ꧤ㋱踬崚菜풸蚥啸틇瞓镟顾㎪�貜蹢꿧勥项ܝ⧤玞聧綤Ĩᮍ쟭䍟䯩搘�ᵉﻩṣʹමᏜ䃩㐉弅뤪츍㜅珋冐躱熄楎뾙ᢏ⧬㦍㟆ﲱŨࣀ춇䈍䅽隦뙂웦蠩咊‭Ꟈ괴㧎岩耎퓧悊ჱኌ屧䘫䤱⎌㩊鹔鹚铦㍂쩔༘⎵쪏뇗팴﬒㮝フ┠㚻뀏➣伽魊忊㓢橹⍗鼦꧖랇ઁ㧰䝐ṗࣽ勯ﴘ㷰ᄨᬗ瀋墪続䥳햎萩�ٖ䖶갿�젝㚊䜲鸔썲㧃팫䩭ࠃ좘얠筕�練墨嶊�롃亓溺 癒ꙶ照錤䞃�鰌师謁齢⧖᝷螶葱剱㣆⧨滋븛啪ᶇ訛겟�쀝⠶訧譱郞쟅﷞紩齢㤷ƣ➸꟱幹䮭揥᾽Ꝙ㷜㮴邐瑔㗺紴挪䜞ꛞ綈﷩齦ꤠਓ稲钞菤㲹樏長玞הּ뚇熇纀뮛衒竰链闬လ੿넾롋듽谻䜨穪Œ퀻﬜靓읩諍넾롏桻շꑲ姓ຜ꧘왂͎墥膵ꃇ무뚇犇⏆쁱編✪횷㒬ᰠὧ➅삒댾롋듽锻ꁼഇ咊敂�뚚뢖㷉㶁怩䶷쳪ꄸ槢䛛娧�ᱫ橵ォ꼀窐詇인쒖�鍑ꦛ长Ꝺ⻤画຦轙맷␔៛츸ꩩ琷෎Ԡ彂颟蟔蹪㸹맔룚앟螩ܝ䍊瘜ӭḌ컴᥍⤽ᭆ䂁 ꎞ䔨ᱎ胦ࡆ叺쉝騌ꕈ䣞̤变ै죕唄ꬫ礴픍�䄯砇嘥罌醃銑㌎嚑⃉㟔䜛歾啈皔䴩関뷝横Ŷ┮ᔻ䚢㆙㯇푳뷣橡ਞᓲጼ挈䈝䆮鳺埗Ɑ蒈焳᫘�哥垖볤䟈Լ,틧⎺켸�ጵ씸귑挞쭹쎎�檎㵳꺭锐ⶎ蒻獱핏䞟压㙳↟�륍ꤔ煠쟯셪ꊕ䦕醷咝ऐ䓯鶕⺍畋ᮨ釴矢ߚ蓊쭣錕៤⇝⃛᨝蚣쵩觌఑ギ︀樯醸饎篌빑﫲�䠊ঢԷ⌇㐧鷟॓ȣ?橆觐䎆خ䂎ÿ퓫⩲䎈進洺蜽ꊩ⓷ꚵၫ샙悇她츁嫓樿醷갔䞆密︀镾ᣏ㠣익쉿掟큶∮ᴜ럇욡䟣ᭅꘫ쫡ພ⩽ 逧뢨娠㢰젫䅟ꣵ줗⁕饹繒﷦딤ಽ㞟�룣�❣慉䀢Ӈᷕ⛜ၑࡴ㥓哾꽹、昀掸餭䇹꭮ڞ复�崸昝耮䥭댙峏恑ꐱ岅캝석�ﯕ☻䉭茄貁﫠麚嬫Ꝙ饛蕪ᦤ黠堵埪僣娑醧⥯ꯊ삠꜇鸦䦠铷贬씪輊䚞Ꮰ䭅츲涁㭚㱵ꎐﴄ괿디㴚ት蜐숾▝�٤㥹ꗏ띀᤬ᎃ᧏ㄕ粙�蹳꯽ⳉၻ얅豆ꫮ짩혣⚚錥샤떎ᡓ꺈눺Қ庲賹核羕伐諸캋�触뢳鈌ᴵ썴䟡弝銍蒋췷栞髯膆晔屌㨞憚몑Ԁ봧礹賠䂊田鳠꫔⍁᫔䱡ਜ䉐핳窇圀ቜᘼ롭Ʃ뼇ᵚ౷轧桪ᰈ賒颴卻 櫌儻叺